ACC3 Validation.

Adapt the new regulatory framework.

Air carriers that fly air cargo or mail into the EU from a non-EU airport are required to comply with the EU ACC3 programme for inbound cargo and mail.

ACC3 stands for "Air Cargo or Mail Carrier operating into the Union from a Third Country Airport" – a designation required in order for carriers to fly cargo into or through the European Union, including Switzerland, Norway and Iceland. Since July 2014, ACC3 designation is only valid upon a successful EU Aviation Security Validation performed by an Independent Validator accredited by an EU Member State. Our ACC3 Validator uniquely combines an extensive background of security management with ACC3 insider knowledge and his experience as a renowned aviation lawyer. Services we offer in this field range from a Gap Analysis and implementation Services to the final validation. Moreover, we are able to offer you a valuable 3-day training course on ACC3 in order to train your staff.